Sep 11 2012

The Future of Mobile Data: Rising Costs Will Require More Management [Infographic]

As more users demand more mobile broadband, organizations will have to grapple with paying for it.

Mobile data is on its way to becoming a public utility, given how much users rely on it for their mobile computing needs.

But as we all inch toward a more mobile world, there are costs to this explosion of mobile data. Visage Mobile, a mobile data management company, has put together an infographic highlighting some of the trends in mobile broadband and it makes one thing clear: The bill's about to go up.

Although mobile data is actually getting cheaper per megabyte, the number of megabytes we need to consume as we go about our Facebooking, Instagraming, YouTubing lives is also growing at a rapid rate.

Here are some interesting facts from Visage's infographic:

  • 18 times: Global mobile data traffic expected growth from 2011 to 2016
  • 45 percent of the world's population is covered by a 3G mobile network
  • $101.72 per month is the average estimated mobile data bill per user in 2015
  • $2 million: the projected amount of money companies could spend on wireless bills each year

Check out the full infographic from Visage Mobile, below.

Future of Mobile Data infographic


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