Jun 28 2012
Data Center

The Growth of Mobile Is Driving Cloud Computing [Infographic]

As mobile devices grow increasingly popular, so does the need for anywhere, anytime cloud computing.

We're living in a wireless, connected world. And the growing appetite for more bandwidth, faster broadband and remote access means that cloud-based solutions are poised for success.

But the need to compute on the go doesn't mean that users are exclusively mobile. In the PC-Plus era, users need applications and solutions that can transition from the notebook to the desktop to the PC. Social networks are obvious examples of this, as anything you do on Facebook on your mobile phone is reflected on the desktop as well. Groupon, Netflix, Foursquare and Etsy are examples of other businesses running cloud-based mobile applications too.

EngineYard, a Platform as a Service vendor, put together an infographic highlighting how mobile technology is fueling the growth of the cloud.

A few highlights from the infographic show that:

  • 1 billion smartphones will be sold in 2014
  • 2/3 of American adults connect to the web via a smartphone, tablet or notebook computer
  • 4:1 is the ratio that mobile app projects will outnumber pc application projects by 2015
  • Accessibility via multiple devices, accelerating business speed and cutting costs make up the top 3 reasons why mobile apps are moving to the cloud

Check out the full infographic from EngineYard below.

A mobile storm in the cloud


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