Apr 20 2012
Data Center

Terry Bradshaw Is Coming to the Cloud

Former NFL star and sports commentator will explore cloud computing on his TV show.

Between Ashton Kutcher investing in tech startups, MC Hammer touting iPad cases and former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling building his very own gaming company, it would appear that celebrities have launched a full-scale invasion of the technology industry.

Now, we can add another famous name to the list: Terry Bradshaw. The former NFL player and TV commentator is the host of Today In America, a educational news magazine broadcast that reports on a variety of trends and leaders across numerous industries. Recently, the program announced that it would launch a series on cloud computing.

Jeff Norman of CloudTweaks took notice and welcomed Bradshaw to the cloud party. He also noted that this isn’t the cloud’s first brush with Hollywood, as the cloud has been quietly changing the way people watch television as well.

To be sure, Terry’s hosting of this program is not the first instance of the cloud [mixing] with the silver screen. Television companies as prosperous as ABC, Netflix, Paramount, MGM, and — of course — Hulu have actually exploited cloud’s potential to maximize viewership of their small-screen programming for a few years now.

Cloud computing enables these companies to place hot TV programs like “Desperate Housewives” or “New Girl” online for customers to view at any time, interspersing the content with ready-to-go commercials. The figures on viewership for online television via the cloud are staggering: a spike of at least 70 percent was reported as recently as 2008.

Does anyone want to place bets on how long it takes for a cloud computing reality show to manifest itself? Silicon Valley already has a reality show in the works so Top Cloud can't be too far behind, right?

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristiewells/5459744290/sizes/l/in/photostream/" target="_blank">Flickr/kristiewells</a>

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