Feb 22 2012

Why Two Monitors Are Better Than One

If you want to increase your productivity, double up on your monitors.

Multitasking is a fact of life in the modern workplace. Many people have to be on top of multiple projects all at once — monitoring, tracking, contributing and reporting along the way. In the midst of the daily shuffle, it’s hard to keep up with all of the tabs and windows that need to stay open to do it all.

But by taking the simple step of adding a second monitor to your workstation, you can increase your productivity at work.

Ramon Ray, editor of smallbiztechnology.com, has identified nine things that can be done with two monitors instead of one:

  • Monitor Twitter (or other social feeds) on a dedicated monitor
  • Read online articles on one monitor and blog about it on the other monitor
  • Monitor a video feed on one monitor and delete your email on the other monitor
  • Participate in a live video feed on one monitor and get work done on the other monitor
  • Put “pending” items on one monitor and do current work on the other monitor
  • Let time-intensive tasks run on one monitor and work on the other one
  • Check out your closed-circuit security feed on one monitor and get work done on the other monitor
  • Run a calculator, task manager or other productivity application on one monitor and work on the other one
  • Let others watch something on one monitor while you get work done on the other monitor

Have you set up more than one monitor at your workstation? What’s happened with your productivity as a result?

Read more about dual monitors in Ray’s post on smallbiztechnology.com.

For more great content from around the web, check out the 50 Must-Read IT Blogs from BizTech.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/gusf/5641216209/" target="_blank">Flickr/GusF</a>

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