Feb 09 2012
Data Center

Disaster Recovery in the Cloud Reduces Downtime

Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions can get SMBs back up and running in minutes.

When disaster strikes, how much downtime can your business afford? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks?

If your business doesn’t have a disaster recovery plan in place, the company’s downtime in the event of a disaster will be a dangerous uncertainty hanging over the productivity of the company. And even if you do have a disaster recovery solution in place, is it as redundant and remotely accessible as you need it to be?

Cloud-based disaster recovery can offer high availability, recovery in minutes and remote access. Doyenz, a cloud computing solutions company, put together an infographic on the benefits of cloud-based disaster recovery and pulled out a few facts:

  • The No. 1 most common business disaster is data, often caused by human error, hardware failure, natural disaster and theft.
  • 30 percent of midsized companies will have adopted recovery-in-the-cloud to support IT operations recovery by 2014.
  • 3 in 5 U.S. businesses are not confident they can recover quickly from a disaster.
  • 38 percent of small businesses have adopted cloud storage as part of their disaster recovery plans.

Want to learn more about cloud-based disaster recovery? Check out the infographic in full from Smallbiztechnology.com.

Doyenz Diaster Recovery in the Cloud


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