Information Security Intelligence Is Like a Risk Management Umbrella
As businesses become more reliant upon IT, the threats and stakes of IT security rise. In the abstract, it can be hard to get users and business leaders to take IT security seriously, but once they’ve suffered at the hands of a malware hacker, the reality of it settles in a lot easier.
Maintaining a constant stream of awareness and alerts is key to keeping a business on its toes and minimizing threats to the business. Shawna Turner-Rice of Tripwire likens IT security intelligence to the weatherman and risk management to an umbrella in a post for the Tripwire blog.
Just like a weather report lets you decide if you need to buy that new winter coat, or if what you have is enough for the projected weather coming up; a risk management philosophy that is embedded in the fabric of your organization allows you to have an eyes open approach to security.
The goal is never to avoid taking risk – you wouldn’t give up your ski trip because you didn’t have a coat rated for that weather; but to allow organizations to make great decisions that allow them to take the right risks. So, the next time you remember your umbrella from the weather man – think about if you’re getting the same kind of predictive visibility to your security and business continuity. How does your company keep of IT security “weather” on a regular basis?
Read more about IT security and Turner-Rice’s weather analogy in her post on the Tripwire blog.