Jan 06 2012

Act Like a Cloud-Friendly CIO — Quick Take

It’s no longer just about IT — a cloud-friendly CIO sees the complete picture.

Cloud computing isn’t just changing the hardware and software that enterprises use for everyday business. It’s also forcing the people who work in IT to adapt to new roles — and the CIO is one whose role will be changed the most.

When a company’s technology moves to the cloud, IT staff shifts to a services mindset. The cloud serves the business in an effort to meet its requirements and goals. That means the days of the IT silo are over; the cloud computing CIO must understand both the business and IT sides to overcome technological obstacles successfully.

Sourya Biswas of CloudTweaks wrote about a recent survey commissioned by CA Technologies in Singapore that found that CIOs were saving more time and getting more done thanks to the cloud.

The report says that many CIOs have mentioned getting more time for innovation because of the time saved by going on the cloud. Moreover, going on the cloud has contributed to CIOs learning new skills such as regulatory and compliance, understanding risk, negotiation, sales and commercial procurement.

“We already know that cloud computing is ‘revolutionary’ in terms of what it can do for businesses, but it is also breeding a new type of technology leader — one who clearly understands what adopting cloud computing can do for the organization and believes that cloud can empower them to become a more complete technology leader of tomorrow,” Victor Cheng, vice president of CA Technologies Asia South, said in a statement.

Read more about the changing role of the CIO on CloudTweaks.

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