Dec 30 2011
Data Center

VMware Releases VDI version of View Client for Mac OS X — Quick Take

Mac users no longer have to rely on RDP to use VMware's View Client.

Mac users, rejoice! VMware has recently released a PC-over-IP (PCoIP) version of its VMware View Client, which will allow users to ditch the remote desktop protocol (RDP) many were previously forced to use instead.

Scott Lowe, an EMC employee and virtualization blogger, recently got his hands on the new VMware View Client for the Mac and he was pleased with it overall. His highlights include:

Aside from the much-improved performance granted by the PCoIP support, a few other things stand out:

  • It’s nice to see VMware fully embrace the idea of developing for the Mac—no installer package, just open the DMG and drag-and-drop the application into your Applications folder. The new client also offers Lion full-screen support as well.
  • The new client no longer requires the Microsoft RDP Client installed. (However, note that if you need RDP connectivity to Windows 7, the new client won’t support that just yet. For that, you’ll need to use the previous generation VMware View client along with the Microsoft RDP Client.)
  • You can easily resize your desktop by simply resizing the window. That’s a little thing, I know, but it’s still handy.

Read more about the VMware View Client for Mac OS X on Lowe’s blog.

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