Nov 10 2010
Data Center

World Record for Analytic Performance in Virtualized Environment

In April 2010, ParAccel established an industry benchmark for analytic processing performance.

Running ParAccel Analytic Database on VMware vSphere 4 achieved the fastest 1-terabyte Transaction Processing Performance Council Benchmark H (TPC–H) on record, with a price/performance ratio 7.7 times better than the previous performance record-holder. What’s more, this combination beat the previous TPC–H record using 37 percent fewer servers and delivered a database load time that was 8.7 times faster than the previous performance record-holder.

Such results establish a path for organizations to create and deploy on-demand ultra-performance analytic processing in private clouds.

Benchmark summary and full disclosure reports are available online at To learn more about the TPC-H specification, visit


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