Jan 01 2006

Our Promise: Provide Insights and Metrics Right for Your Business

With this first BizTech issue of 2006, our promise to our readers is as simple as it is ambitious: we'll exceed your expectations. When you open our pages, you'll find more in-depth analysis about information technology programs that your peers are implementing, as well as new options and metrics to determine what worked and what didn't. We hope these insights and metrics will help you assess whether these investments might be right for your business and arm you with the data that decision-makers need to run their companies smarter, better and at less cost.

You've told us that many of your businesses will see a slight increase in IT spending (44 percent of readers expect an increase and 37 percent will maintain last year's budget). Still, half of you also reported that IT isn't getting the respect it deserves and is viewed as the "fire brigade," rather than a strategic partner. Our goal is to provide IT insights that will help your business grow and also help inform the discussions you're having — and preparing to have with your management — with hard-to-find data points.

Last year, BizTech received high praise for its design and strategy, winning the Silver Pearl Award for Excellence in Strategy (in the Best New Launch category) from the Custom Publishing Council and a Gold Pearl Award for Excellence in Design (in the Best New Magazine category). It was nice praise, but we're not resting on our laurels. What we did yesterday isn't nearly as important as providing you with best practices, tested technology options and lessons learned today.

Ultimately this magazine is not for us, but for our readers. So if you feel we can serve you better, please let us know.

The BizTech team, left to right: Jim Silvestri, Lee Copeland, Ginny Reardon, Kevin Hambel The BizTech team, left to right: Rob Garretson, Gregory Atkins, Lauren McCadney, Sara Elder, and Ryan Petersen
Photos: Forrest MacCormack and Matthew Gilson
The BizTech team, left to right (top): Jim Silvestri, Lee Copeland, Ginny Reardon, Kevin Hambel
(bottom): Rob Garretson, Gregory Atkins, Lauren McCadney, Sara Elder, and Ryan Petersen.

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What can you glean about security from other IT pros? Check out new CDW research and insight from our experts.