Sep 18 2018

CDW Executive SummIT: Why Security Is Important to Any Size Company

Information security is a growing concern for organizations in every industry, all around the world. No longer do cyberattacks focus on government agencies and major corporations. Today, everyone is a target. At the recent CDW Executive SummIT, we asked IT leaders from across the U.S. about how they're protecting their IT environments. Visit our CDW Executive SummIT landing page to view more articles and videos from the event.

>>Download CDW's Cybersecurity Insight Report to learn more about how to protect your data and your network.






    Patricia DuBois, Senior Director, Information Technology, Orion Group Holdings

    Andrew Cullip, IT Director, Thor Motor Coach

    Liz Sturrock, Vice President, Information Technology, National Association of Realtors


Video Highlights

  • Separating workloads and enabling users to access only those processes required by their roles helps maintain effective security.
  • Internal security is essential, as many successful attacks prey on weaknesses within an organization.
  • Services such as a security risk assessment can help an organization see where its vulnerabilities are and how to address them.