Apr 24 2014

LinkedIn: 300 Million Users Strong and Counting

The social network IT professionals prefer has reached a milestone.

It’s not quite Sparta, but LinkedIn is definitely letting out its own war cry in celebration of reaching more than 300 million registered users.

LinkedIn announced that it had reached more than 300 million users April 18 in an official blog post. One of the biggest sources of traffic for the site has been mobile users, who now account for 50 percent of all global traffic.

“Every day we see an average of 15 million profile views, 1.45 million job views and 44,000 job applications in over 200 countries through mobile,” said Deep Nishar, senior vice president of products and user experience at LinkedIn.

Alongside the membership announcement, the company also published an infographic highlighting the changes in audience and behavior between now and five years ago. For example, in 2009, 61 percent of the site’s members were male, but since then, there’s been a shift toward equal representation, with men accounting for 56 percent of members.

One thing hasn’t changed: IT remains the most represented industry among LinkedIn’s registered users, making it a go-to resource for finding and recruiting IT talent.

While we’re taking trips back in time, co-founder Eric Ly explained his vision for LinkedIn’s future in an interview with BizTech.

“We really want LinkedIn to be an everyday part of our users' experience,” Ly said.

Given the user base the site has established for itself, you could safely say: Mission accomplished.


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