Feb 11 2013

Chicago’s Startup Scene Took No Prisoners in 2012 [#Infographic]

Entrepreneurs in Chi-town launched a new startup every 44 hours last year.

Chicago is no longer simply the place where Groupon was born; the city is now home to a maturing, thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. In 2012, the Windy City became a technology force to be reckoned with, launching a new digital startup every 44 hours.

Built In Chicago, an online community for digital startups, entrepreneurs and innovators, recently released its 2012 Chicago Digital Startup Report, detailing the rapid growth of the city’s startup scene in the past year.

Innovators and entrepreneurs launched a record-breaking 197 startups in Chicago last year, and the fastest growing sectors were consumer web, marketing and eCommerce.

Out of those 197 startups, 59 companies — including photo-storage solution Picturelife and consumer-loyalty rewards platform Belly — raised over $1 million in 2012, which represents a 34 percent increase from 2011.

Digital healthcare companies did especially well in 2012, earning 27 percent of total funding dollars. Healthcare insurance portal GoHealth received $50 million from investment firm Norwest Equity Partners.

Check out the full infographic below to learn more about Chicago’s growing digital startup scene.

Chicago startups in 2012


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