Oct 24 2012

Kiosks: The Hospitality Industry’s Customer Service Secret Ingredient [#Infographic]

The touch-screen technology helps hotels and restaurants improve communications with customers and operational efficiency.

Vacations are meant to be stress-free outings. But vacations can come with their fair share of frustrations. Waiting in the check-in line at the airport or in the check-in line at the hotel can be tiresome. And without any information about what is causing the delay, customers can quickly lose patience. We won’t even discuss lost luggage.

Anyone who works in the hospitality industry knows that these are the moments that can make or break a customer’s perception of a business.

Hotels and restaurants have begun to deploy kiosks to increase operational efficiency and improve customer service, and Kiosk manufacturer Lilitab documents this shift in its infographic.

Customer service and operational efficiencies are the top drivers of kiosk adoption in hotels and quick-service restaurants. Kiosk deployment in hotels is at 16 percent. In restaurants, deployment is at 6 percent. An additional 9 percent of hotels and 7 percent of restaurants plan to deploy kiosks within the next year.

Popular applications of hotel kiosks aid in room selection and provide access to loyalty programs. At restaurants, kiosks are primarily used to order and pay for food, but they can also provide access to coupons and nutritional information.

Check out the full infographic from Lilitab below.

Kiosks hospitality


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