Dec 16 2011

Pilots Cleared for Takeoff with iPads — Quick Take

BizTech Quick Take is our digital tour of the web, serving up news and notes on IT and business that you need to know — and some things you’ll simply be glad to know.

FAA Certifies iPads for Use in American Airlines Cockpits

If you hear the familiar cawing of Angry Birds coming from the pilot’s cabin on your next American Airlines flight, you can probably guess that he is enjoying his newly FAA-sanctioned iPad.

Of course, the iPad isn’t just for fun and games. It’s actually going to be put to work by American Airlines pilots, now that the FAA has authorized the company to use the tablet device during all phases of flight. According to a report from GottaBeMobile, the FAA ran the iPad through a series of tests, using it as an electronic chart and digital flight manual.

The savings, from both a financial and resource perspective, are impressive:

Utilizing the iPad, pilots can now replace 35 pounds of manuals, flight logs, and paper, effectively saving the airline $1.2 million worth of fuel annually. The 1.5-pound iPad would also help the airline be just a little bit greener as well with the reduction in weight and fuel on the plane.

American Airlines joins a growing number of businesses that are using the iPad to increase productivity and innovate in the field.

Read more about the American Airlines iPad adoption for future flights on GottaBeMobile.

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