IT Advances Drive Innovation in a Variety of Industries

Data presents incredible opportunities for insights and innovation. Organizations are using their products to gather information that helps them improve the design and engineering of new products, solutions and services. At the CDW Upgrading and Preparing for the Future SummIT, Former Federal CIO Tony Scott discussed how emerging technologies support innovations in numerous areas. Visit our CDW Upgrading and Preparing for the Future SummIT landing page to view more articles and videos from the event.

>>Download CDW's Modern IT Infrastructure Insight Report to learn more about how organizations are utilizing and benefitting from a hybrid IT approach.


Tony Scott, CEO, Tony Scott Group

Video Highlights

  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence will enable innovations in other technologies. 
  • Emerging 5G wireless networking technology can support faster and more robust solutions.
  • Designing solutions with security and privacy in mind — rather than adding that in later — improves efficiency and security while reducing costs.