Data Analytics Require More Platform Optimization

With the continuing explosion in data collection, organizations need to be able to optimize data in an efficient and simple manner. Modernizing legacy IT to create a more agile environment for data scientists has become a critical mission. At the CDW Upgrading and Preparing for the Future SummIT, John Stewart, global director for digital transformation, enterprise and government at Intel, discussed the future of data analytics and the architecture needed for innovation. Visit our CDW Upgrading and Preparing for the Future SummIT landing page to view more articles and videos from the event.

>>Download CDW's Modern IT Infrastructure Insight Report to learn more about how organizations are utilizing and benefitting from a hybrid IT approach.


  • John Stewart, Global Director for Digital Transformation, Enterprise and Government, Intel

Video Highlights

  • Optimized platforms allow an organization's IT infrastructure to become more agile and provide better service to the business.
  • Moving legacy data centers to a private cloud provides the benefits of a cloud environment while keeping data on-premises.
  • Data center architecture must accommodate both the increasing amount of information collected and the ability to analyze it.