VMworld 2015: Why Companies Need to Prepare for the Liquid Future of IT

As devices fade into the background and data and applications come to the forefront, enterprise IT must prepare to ride the waves. We spoke with Frank Rauch, VP, Americas Partner Organization for VMware, and he explained that IT must become less concerned with the devices workers use and more interested in how data can transfer seamlessly across platforms.

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<li>Frank Rauch, Vice President, Americas Partner Organization, VMware&nbsp;</li>

Video Highlights

<li>With workloads moving on and off-premises continuously, IT leaders need tools that enable this flexibility.</li>
<li>In "liquid environments," data can reside anywhere and but there's still structure and process to ensure security.</li>
<li>Workers don't want to be told no and IT leaders need to be seen as enablers of technology within their companies.</li>