Tech Must Cater to the Diverse and Unique Work Styles in an Organization

Remote and hybrid work environments rely on an assortment of technologies to be successful, but not everyone enjoys working the same way in these setups. Poly, an expert in collaboration technologies and solutions, has consistently studied the various types of workers who exist in most enterprises and the kinds of technology they need to support their preferred work styles. Jennifer Adams, senior director of sales experience and enablement programs, expounded on the research into these unique work personas during a recent presentation at the CDW Executive SummIT: Managing the Evolving Workforce.


  • Jennifer Adams, Senior Director, Sales Experience and Enablement Programs, Poly

Video Highlights

  • Poly began researching work styles both to inform its product design and to share with customers to help them better plan for and understand their employees.
  • Poly identified six personas that cover about 92 percent of a typical enterprise — so you can plan for these six and cover the needs of just about everybody.
  • Equity, rather than equality, is what organizations should strive for when planning to support the modern workforce.