Email Is 45 Years Old and Also Your Biggest Corporate Vulnerability

Good, ol' reliable email is certainly not the new kid on the block in the IT realm, but it remains the number one target for most corporate hacks and breach attempts. We spoke with Ryan Kalember from Proofpoint to get his take on why email remains a popular attack point for organizations, what they can do to defend against them and gauge if the ransomware trend we saw on the rise in recent years has begun to wane. Visit our CDW Managing Risk SummIT landing page to view more articles and videos from the event.

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  • Ryan Kalember, SVP, Cybersecurity Strategy, Proofpoint

Video Highlights

  • Email remains the most common way for bad actors to get unauthorized access to corporate data.
  • Ransomware hit a plateau last year, but it is still the most common type of malware by volume.
  • People, process and technology remain the recommended three-pronged defense against social engineering.