Cisco Live 2017: Shaun Cooley Sees Greater Security in Internet of Things Future

Cisco estimates there are 8.4 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things and estimates there will be 25 billion IoT devices by 2020. Cisco Chief Technology Officer for IoT & Industries Shaun Cooley spoke at Cisco Live about how organizations need to rethink their network infrastructure with scale and security in mind to meet the demands of a true IoT organization. We spoke with Shaun to gain more insight into how IoT is evolving and what businesses should do to keep up with the changes ahead.

For more highlights and news from Cisco Live, check out our Cisco Live 2017 conference coverage page.


<li>Shaun Cooley, CTO IoT and Industries, Cisco Systems</li>

Video Highlights

<li>Businesses are latching onto the Internet of Things because they want to be more efficient, increase their top line and decrease their bottom line.</li>
<li>The network can automatically configure things that were once tedious tasks, which helps organizations scale with IoT.</li>
<li>Cisco recently announced IoT Threat Defense which helps organizations to secure IoT.</li>