Chemence Adopts Hyperconvergence for Simplicity, Flexibility and Savings

Chemence, a multinational company that makes solvents, resins and adhesives for various industries, realized it needed to update its IT infrastructure as it expanded. The business embraced a hyperconverged solution to gain more flexibility and easily bring together servers and other equipment in the United States and Europe.


<p>Alan Scott, IT Manager, Chemence&nbsp;</p>

<p>Nigel Cooper, Global Head of Finance, Chemence&nbsp;</p>

<p>Laurence Huff, CFO/General Manager, Chemence<br />

Video Highlights

<li>As Chemence expanded through mergers, it realized other firms had better IT infrastructure that it did.&nbsp;</li>
<li>The company opted to deploy a hyperconverged solution because it consolidated computing, storage and networking, simplifying its IT footprint.&nbsp;</li>
<li>Chemence will now be able to add its 15 to 20 European servers to its hyperconverged environment in the U.S., providing tangible cost savings. &nbsp;</li>