CDW Executive SummIT: Surmounting the Challenges of Device Management in a Hybrid World

To enable hybrid work, organizations across nearly every industry saw an exponential increase in the number of devices their employees use. This sudden proliferation of devices has presented several challenges to establishing a consistent, holistic IT strategy — from provisioning and deployment, to connectivity and security, to refresh needs and end-of-life disposal. All of these obstacles can be cleared with the help of a trusted partner that offers the expertise and resources you need.

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Gabriel Adler, Manager, Digital Experience, CDW

Wayne Treadwell, Security Systems Engineer, Jamf

Audra Donaldson, Manager, End-User Compute and Engineering, AccentCare


Video Highlights

  • One of the many outcomes of the pandemic was a dramatic proliferation of mobile devices, which has complicated the management of devices across multiple locations.
  • IT teams encounter device management challenges throughout the device lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration, to refreshes and repairs, to recycling and disposal at end of life.
  • Taking a holistic approach to device management also includes developing a consistent security strategy.