Men Are From Reddit, Women Are From Pinterest: How Gender Affects Social Media [Infographic]

Social media trends and behaviors can be influenced by the user’s gender.

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Given the democratic and open nature of social media, it’s easy to assume that all social media is created equal. But according to research and survey data, men and women use social media in markedly different ways, even when they’re using the same platform.

DigitalFlashNYC, a digital ad agency, rounded up the relevant data and parsed out the stats and facts by gender.

Some of the results are predictable. For example, more women (67 percent) said they unfriended, unfollowed or deleted someone from their social network than men (58 percent) did. But more women (60 percent) play Zynga’s online games than men (40 percent). So much for the theory that video gaming is a guy thing.

Check out the full infographic from DigitalFlashNYC, below, via AllTwitter.