Dec 29 2016

Technology Innovations in Senior Care

A new trend in senior care speaks to the growing role of technology when it comes to improving health: an uptick in queries from prospective residents about communities’ commitment to technological innovation.

This trend reflects shifting demographics: The oldest baby boomers began turning 70 in 2016, and every day until 2030, roughly another 10,000 Americans will turn 65. But this “silver tsunami” is not the only factor that has senior care providers scrambling to keep pace. It’s also the fact that this wave of new clients is well versed in the digital world.

In a survey of older Americans’ technology use, the Pew Research Center found that, among those age 65 or older who use the internet, 71 percent go online every day or almost daily, and 82 percent say their smartphones give them freedom. These users see their devices and associated apps, as well as “necessities” like wireless access, as lifelines that connect them with family members, caregivers and doctors. For these seniors, wearable devices, tablet computers and data-driven healthcare analytics have the potential to transform the way communities provide care.

With that in mind, several pioneering senior care organizations partnered with CDW Healthcare to investigate ways that providers can leverage advanced technologies to improve health, well-being and quality of life.


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