Oct 18 2012

5 Tips for Deploying HD Video Conferencing

Keep these points in mind when making plans for HD video conferencing in your organization.

The beauty of video conferencing technology is its ability build bridges between people by adding a personal touch to remote collaboration.

This is aided by the increased rollout of HD video conferencing in the past 5 years, which helps provide users with a clearer picture of who they're working with.

But a video conferencing system doesn't get implemented without some smart planning. Here are five good tips to get you started:

  • Design the environment from the ground up to ensure your company’s network appropriately supports the chosen video conferencing system’s needs and capabilities.
  • Select an intuitive solution and components to improve the speed of adoption, such as a system that includes a touchpad with a “click to call” feature, permitting one-touch access to installed locations.
  • Dedicate an IT resource to the project, and task that individual with being your company’s expert. If your company lacks an appropriate internal resource, consider hiring a third party.
  • Develop stakeholder champions to ensure adoption and to achieve the return on investment you planned on paper.
  • Encourage users to install client modules on their client systems and devices in advance of initial conferencing sessions to address any installation or training issues early.

For more on HD video conferencing, read up on how MarkLogic put video conferencing to use in facilitating collaboration for its workers in various offices across the country in a recent case study.

Robert Houser

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