Apr 08 2014

XP-iration Date: Today Is the End of Win XP Support

It’s officially lights out for Windows XP as an operating system. Here’s how the world is reacting.

Today marks the end of an era. Windows XP, the venerable operating system that Microsoft launched way back in 2001, is officially no longer supported by Microsoft as of today, April 8, 2014.

Of course, if you’ve been paying attention at all to any technology news in the past few years, this doesn’t come as a surprise. Microsoft launched its XP countdown clock more than a year ago to help IT workers keep track of the deadline. And BizTech, among many other publications and websites, has told the stories of businesses and organizations that are migrating their IT systems to a Windows 7 or 8 environment.

For companies that haven’t yet made the switch, Microsoft provides more information on what the shutdown means on its site. To assist you in migrating your systems, CDW has put together several Windows Migration resources and solutions to smooth your transition. And for those looking for a Windows migration cheat sheet, check out BizTech’s Windows Migration Trail infographic, which outlines the process in 9 easy steps.

As we wave goodbye to Windows XP and watch it walk off into the sunset, here are some of the reactions from IT pros and XP fans on the Web.

Perhaps the most emotional reaction to Windows XP’s demise is this song that James Townsend of InfoStrat performed in honor of its passing. It’s enough to make you want to hold a lighter in the air and sway a little.

Got up this morning and wrote a song about Windows XP #WinXP https://t.co/2YvXnl3VFN

— jamestownsend (@jamestownsend) April 8, 2014

If you’re an IT pro and your eyes get a little misty, that’s OK. If you’re not in the IT department, but you see your techie colleagues looking a little more forlorn than usual, reach out and give them a hug. Windows XP, you will be missed.

How are you commemorating Windows XP’s end of life? Let us know in the Comments.

Mario Tama/Getty Image News/ThinkStockPhotos

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