
Aug 07 2013

Why Can't the IT and Business Sides of a Company Just Get Along? [#Infographic]

BMC Software takes a look at the wide chasm that separates business and IT professionals.

In many companies, the IT department is far too often seen as a foe and not a friend.

According to a survey conducted by BMC Software, 63 percent of business professionals have a negative sentiment toward IT, reports CIO. Only 9 percent had a positive view of IT.

There’s been plenty of ink (both digital and physical) spilled about the need for IT and business leaders to collaborate, but the first step to any productive relationship is building a foundation of respect and appreciation for one another.

One survey respondent said that adding puppies to the mix would help alleviate friction between internal users and IT workers:

“Every time you have to call the help desk at work, someone should come to your desk with a puppy to relieve your frustrations.”

While it’s unreasonable to expect IT to deliver an adorable puppy with every IT resolution, the respondent’s suggestion points to a strong desire for empathy and understanding. IT workers may not inspire the heart-melting, instantaneous affection that puppies do, but they strive to be seen as a stress-reliever and not a stress-inducer. Or, they can just answer all IT help desk problems while wearing a puppy suit.

BMC offers some ideas for mending the fences between the business side and IT, such as “Take Your Techie to Lunch Day” and improving communication between the two sides.

Check out the full infographic from BMC Software below.

IT Friction Infographic


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