Apr 10 2013

BYOD Is Growing but Needs More Support from IT [#Infographic]

The consumerization of IT is bringing change that some IT workers are still reluctant to embrace.

The bring-your-own-device wave is crashing on the shores of IT departments at businesses worldwide, and many IT workers have been left drifting in its wake without a life vest to hold on to.

According to information compiled for an Intel and ReadWrite infographic, 82 percent of companies surveyed in 2013 allowed some or all workers to use their own devices on the job. Additionally, 74 percent of IT leaders believe BYOD can increase worker productivity.

So why were only 38 percent of U.S. CIOs prepared to support BYOD by the end of 2012?

Two reasons: IT security and compatibility.

When asked why they objected to BYOD, companies in the U.S., South Korea and Australia cited security as their No. 1 complaint. Mobile device management solutions are a great start for companies looking to maintain control of their mobile fleet.

When it comes to compatibility, one-third of IT managers surveyed listed incompatibility with their existing IT infrastructure as their reason for banning BYOD.

But employees will often choose the device that’s most convenient for them, not the company. If your business doesn’t want to be left up a creek without a paddle, it’s time to start rowing in the right direction.

For more information on the current state of BYOD, check out the infographic below.

BYOD by the Numbers


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