May 30 2012
Data Center

The Benefits of Moving Your Business to the Cloud [Infographic]

A cloud environment is more flexible and scalable than a physical one.

Moving to the cloud has gone from something seen as utterly terrifying, to something familiar and expected. And moving your business to the cloud has never been easier.

If your company is anxious about the cloud, a great place to start is with e-mail. BackOffice Associates recently pulled off a pain-free migration to the cloud with Microsoft’s Office 365.

“We can share contacts [within] the organization. We had e-mail distribution lists with our old system, but it was challenging keeping them updated. With the new system, we can see the most up-to-date version of any list. Getting BlackBerry services connected was big. Being able to have our CEO watch his contacts sync up seamlessly via the cloud, that was real joy for him,” said IT technician Devon Crowl in a recent BizTech story.

Balboa Capital consolidated some of the major benefits businesses have seen from moving to the cloud. The survey data says:

  • E-mail is the top business application in the cloud today.
  • Technology, financial services and legal services are the top three industries adopting cloud-based solutions.
  • 89 percent of small businesses are either in the discovery, planning or implementing phase with the cloud.
  • 39 percent of small businesses intend to adopt at least one cloud-based service within the next 3 years.

Check out the full infographic from Balboa Capital via CloudTweaks.

Moving your business to the cloud


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