Feb 16 2012

Tablets and Sales Forces: A Match Made in Heaven

For workers in sales, tablets are just what they need to help close the deal.

With IDC estimating that approximately 63.3 million tablets were sold worldwide in 2011, it’s clear that the tablet market is heating up and has moved far beyond a tech enthusiast’s play thing.

We’ve already seen businesses integrating tablets in the financial and healthcare sectors, but the devices have yet to reach their full potential in one key area in business: sales.

Dan Schleifer of Tab Times believes that tablets are the perfect device for salespeople, who are often on the go and in the field.

Tablets provide significant benefits when it comes to sales enablement and revenue generation. No longer does a sales rep have to wait a day or two to get an answer to a question from a prospect. Tablets deliver subject matter experts to a sales rep in a matter of seconds, which makes closing a deal on the spot easier than ever.

These devices also help sales enablement tools to go a step beyond the normal process by encouraging customer participation and deeper engagement in the sales process.

Let’s say you walk into a pharmaceutical company to sell them your service. Chances are, they are going to ask how you’ve serviced and benefited companies of their caliber in the past, and how you stack up to your competitors on a feature-by-feature basis. A sales rep using a tablet can now easily access dynamic presentations, pose questions to colleagues (getting an immediate response) and pull up case studies and compelling videos to further illustrate the benefits.

For more on the potential of tablets for sales-oriented businesses, read the full article on Tab Times.

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<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/john_hall_associates/3025585034/" target="_">Flickr/Phil Sexton</a>

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