Feb 07 2012
Data Center

9 Virtually Unbelievable Private Cloud Facts

The wonders of a private cloud include revenue generation, cost savings and increased efficiency.

For many businesses, the safest journey to cloud computing starts with a private cloud implementation. Unlike a public cloud, private clouds allow enterprises to maintain complete control over their cloud environment, while most public cloud solutions surrender IT operations and management to a third party.

The benefits of deploying a private cloud can dramatically impact the way businesses produce and consume IT services. Microsoft has been a notable proponent of cloud computing solutions with its Windows Server and System Center products. Their private cloud services can help businesses realize major cost savings and decrease network downtime. You might say that some of their cloud offerings are so good that they are virtually unbelievable.

Check out a few stats Microsoft put together from its private cloud infographic:

  1. By 2015, private cloud enterprise servers are projected to reach a revenue of $5,881,900,000
  2. 41% of senior executives say they plan to use some kind of private cloud by 2015
  3. Systems management software for clouds is projected to grow 62% in 2012
  4. There is an estimated datacenter construction cost savings of $12,000,000 for Deizbank by going with a Microsoft private cloud
  5. One customer using a Microsoft private cloud had a savings of $1,200,000 per month
  6. Private cloud customer only needed 30 minutes to get solution developers up and running with a Microsoft private cloud (improved from 2 days)
  7. Only 1 Microsoft System Center 2012 console is needed to manage private and public cloud applications
  8. 3 hypervisors are managed by System Center 2012
  9. There are no additional licensing costs for adding more virtual machines to a server in a Microsoft private cloud


View the full infographic from CloudTweaks below:

Microsoft Private Cloud Infographic


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