
Jan 15 2012

Why Your Business Should Take Social Media as Seriously as Intel

The iconic microchip maker has made a commitment to social media in the enterprise.

Social media and collaboration are here to stay — at least, that’s the approach Intel takes with its aggressive and comprehensive deployment of social media. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the most well-known social media products on the web, and Intel was an early adopter, having created Twitter and Facebook pages in 2008.

But Intel’s commitment to social media actually goes back further, to 2003, when the company launched its first blog on Intel.com. Chris Peters, a director of industry engagement for Intel, reflected on the company’s social history in a post on the company’s Open Port IT community.

At first, our internal solutions were basic one-size-fits-all solutions, offered as nice to have optional service to help employees connect with each other more socially than for any targeted business reason. However, over time, we have continued to expand our solutions offering to include a broader mix of capabilities, including enterprisewide global collaboration tools, corporatewide communication forums, technical support communities, and line of business specific solutions. Today, most Intel users of our social media and collaboration tools state they support core business objectives.

If companies as big as Intel are taking social media seriously, then there’s no reason small businesses should ignore the trend. Engagement, discussion and collaboration are the new ways forward in business. How is your company joining in or starting social discussions, both internally and externally?

Read more about Intel’s social media efforts in Peters’ post on the Open Port IT community.


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